
In the beginning

In May 2012, four friends come together to create a company...

After checking a lack of weather products customization, they agreed to offer ocean-meteorological services through a different, close, creative, and fresh approach, maintaining rigourosity, excellence and professionalism.

Thus was born 4gotas atmosphere & ocean.

Much more

than a forecasting website

The team

Beatriz Hervella Nogueira

More than 10 years of experience in weather broadcasting and elaborating ocean-meteorological information in MeteoGalicia and TVG (Galician public major TV station).
Numerical modelling experience with active involvement in international meteorological research projects (MEDEX).
More than 5 years of experience in web programming and web-related operation and management of meteorological databases. Head of MeteoGalicia's Data Visualization Department.

Carlos F. Balseiro

More than 10 years of experience as head of Numerical Weather PredictionDepartment in MeteoGalicia.
Experience in weather broadcasting and elaborating ocean-meteorological information in MeteoGalicia and TVG (Galician public major TV station).
Active involvement in international research projects, including tasks of coordination and leadership within international projects.

Tamén fixeron 4gotas

Pablo Carracedo García

Eduardo Penabad Ramos


Organized in four areas, audiovisual services, ocean-meteorological consultancy, mobile apps and web contents and services, 4gotas combines the rigourosity of meteorological centers and the creative possibilities offered by new communication technologies.

Audiovisual Services

Without ideas? Bored of seeing the same weather information provided? We will give you alternatives maintaining rigor and excellence.

Ocean-meteo Consultancy

Our experience supports us. High resolution ocean and meteorological models, running in estuaries, wind atlas, contingency plans, marine climate studies…

Mobile Apps

Weather as you've never seen before. Get ready to enjoy and learn about, all through a single click.

Web content

www.4gotas.com Marine weather forecast, weather forecast in 10 seconds, biometeorology, get ready with our self-customized alerts, videoblog and more...


Coming soon in 4gotas atmosphere & ocean: meteo consultancy, oceanographic consultancy and also web services and web contents.
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Why 4gotas?

10 reasons to convince you

4gotas web. Part 1

4gotas web description

4gotas web. Part 2

4gotas web description

The sea

All of 4gotas is able to do in the sea


All of 4gotas is able to do in the meteorology

Making of

Discover how we got here!


República Checa, nº 40 - 15707
Viveiro de empresas de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
(+34) 981 551 730
[email protected]